Sliding Fees &
Good Faith Estimates

Sliding Fee
Discount Program

N.E.W. Community Clinic (NEWCC) offers a sliding fee schedule to make help make your healthcare services affordable.   The fee is based on the federal poverty guidelines established by the U.S. government.   NEWCC strives to assure that no patient is denied care due to an inability to pay.

Eligibility for the Sliding Fee Discount Program is determined based on a patient’s household size and annual income.   An application must be completed, and proof of income is required.  Discounts are applied based on the federal poverty income guidelines, updated annually by the federal government.

While fees for eligible services are reduced, a nominal fee for service will be the patient’s responsibility.   Payment is expected at the time of service.

Each year existing patients (and new patients) need to bring in proof of income*, picture ID, and current income tax forms.

*Check stubs = 1 month | Tax returns = 1 year | Proof of no income = 3 months

If you are interested in learning more about your health insurance coverage options, please contact our Benefits Eligibility Assistance Department at 920-610-5969.

Good Faith Estimate

Patients who don’t have insurance (or who are receiving services not covered by their insurance or are out of their insurance plan’s network) are entitled to receive an estimate for the cost of their appointment.

Referred to as a Good Faith Estimate, it will include the total expected cost of any non-emergency items or services. This includes any related costs on medical, dental, or behavioral health services provided.

For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit: or call 1-800-985-3059.

Frequently Asked Questions

A Federally Qualified Health Center receives federal grant funding plus accelerated Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement for providing Behavioral Health, Dental, and Medical services to patients despite their ability to pay. To determine a patient’s ability to pay NEWCC is required to offer a Sliding Fee Discount Program.

Annual Sliding Fee Discount Program Schedule

2025 Annual Sliding Fee Discount Program Schedule

Sliding Fee Application Forms